Третий Агрономический (Директорский) корпус МСХА


Третий Агрономический (Директорский) корпус МСХА

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Russische Föderation Russische Föderation > Moscow > Timiryazevsky District
constructivist building housing agronomic Timiryazev Academy imeeet some strange form, gave rise to the legend that it was built Wehrmacht prisoners who have completed it in the form of a swastika. But the house is built is still the 1920s. But during the Great Patriotic War in the dorms we have placed the largest evacuation Soviet hospital, which held a special tram tracks from Timiryazev street and the Dmitrov highway. Just sick and wounded were brought here by truck. At the hostel nº3 (house nº16) established board, announces the placement of this and the neighboring buildings' evacuation screening Hospital West III Byelorussian Front. " In the hospital were soldiers and officers' department. In memory of Marshal Konstantin Rokossovsky, is undergoing treatment in the building, installed board
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 13/10/2019 05:01

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