Благавешчанск Царква


Благавешчанск Царква

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Belarus Belarus > Vitsebsk Region > Vitsebsk
"The Blagoveshchensk Church. 12V., Rest. in mid 18c. and in 1862 Belorussia, Vitebsk. Blagoveshchensk Church. General view from the North-West.". The signifies signed by the author-photographer Shimansky Sergey Gavrilovich.
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Photo published on
 January 6, 2018 at 09:39 AM

© Shimansky Sergey Gavrilovich
All rights reserved

Image used under "Fair Use" conditions

Old photos of Vitsebsk,Old photographs of Vitsebsk,Old images of Vitsebsk,Old snapshots of Vitsebsk,Old panoramic views of Vitsebsk,Old prints of Vitsebsk