WAYS to Mazar-Sofi for Mound


WAYS to Mazar-Sofi for Mound

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Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan > Osh Region > Чий-талаа
The photo was taken in the middle reaches of the river Gulcha between Kichi-Karakol and Sophie-Korgon with high otrozhka, jutting into the valley downstream roughly to the north. The trail bypassed clamps on it by the river modern car Pamir Highway laid along berega.Zdes technical means, over a high cliff of the valley is a cemetery nearby communities punktov.
Comments (1)


talgatty September 17, 2019 at 08:30 AM

Мен көп жолу бар жүргөн жатабыз

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Photo published on
 October 5, 2018 at 07:52 PM

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