Петровский проспект


Петровский проспект

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Rusia Rusia > Moscow > Timiryazevsky District
This area, where among the fields and lanes, extended rye field, and in the distance could be seen huts and cottages, was izlyublen for the beauty of landscape artists. Here, to the ponds, they came to studies such luminaries as I.Shishkin and A.Bogolyubov, M.Chagall and V.Perov. In the open air I have been here Vladimir Mayakovsky with his friends and also by artists Vera and Leo Shekhtel, Natalia Goncharova. "In the winter this avenue does not let a blizzard, though, and passes through the field. In the spring it is saturated with the smell of tar kidney larches. In the hot summer of conifer branches are saving shade. In the autumn a track covered with yellow conifer needles... "These are the words of the poet Valery Bryusov. They said about one of the most beautiful avenues of Moscow - larch, which runs to the north of the city in Petrovsky-Razumovsky. With a length of 1.200 meters on the avenue it planted 1,300 larch
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Foto publicada el
 8 de enero de 2020 a las 18:08

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Fotos antiguas de Timiryazevsky District,Fotografías antiguas de Timiryazevsky District,Imágenes antiguas de Timiryazevsky District,Instantáneas antiguas de Timiryazevsky District,Panorámicas antiguas de Timiryazevsky District,Estampas antiguas de Timiryazevsky District