Valley Gulcha above Kyzyl-Kurgan


Valley Gulcha above Kyzyl-Kurgan

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Kirghizistan Kirghizistan > Osh Region > Кунелек
Original title "Road to the Alay Gulchinki along the river." - and do not argue, it is 80 kilometers along it goes ... The photo was taken near the modern village of Kun-Elek upstream (to the southeast)
Commentaires (1)


nurzhan_dir 28/11/2020 11:17

Бул эрежелери!

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203 clichés

Фрунзе. Ленинский проспектШакафтар. Запруда на реке Сумсар у Киевская-Советская магазин Шакафтар. Рабочий посёлок.Фрунзе. Республиканская библиотека им. Чернышевского

Photos des environs

Valley Gulcha above Kyzyl-KurganDolina, p. Red-Гульча Caldwell КоргонаGulcha Gorge River. Migrations in the Kyrgyz AlaiValley Gulcha in the lower reachesRiver valley. Hulchynka approx tract Sofi-KurganGorge Gillis. The road to the pass ChyyyrchykGulcha. The beginning of the Great Pamir Alai roadWAYS to Mazar-Sofi for MoundValley Gulcha above-Sophie BarrowGulcha valley of the river between the steep walls of loess

Photo publiée sur
 25/11/2020 03:46

© Paul Related
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Image utilisée dans les conditions de "Fair Use

Vieilles photos de Кунелек,Photographies anciennes de Кунелек,Vieilles images de Кунелек,Vieux clichés de Кунелек,Anciennes vues panoramiques de Кунелек,Anciennes gravures de Кунелек