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Chine Chine > Jing'an District
A fireman is going up a ladder as British soldiers and U.S. Marines stand by to lend aid to those who have been made homeless by the Jap bombing of Macao Road, here. Four or more blocks of houses and shops are burning in the scene pictured above.宏原楼 sign is visible.
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660 clichés

新京、关东军、关东军司令部 帝国大使馆Aurora College for Women 震旦女子文理学院奉天忠霊塔穆克登的日本军事纪念碑新京,满洲国司法部地地地地地建造了一堆麦珠 - 在Xinjine中上海Dixwell Road。我们的房子是十字架

Photos des environs

Guarding the corner near Wan Sheng Jiang Yuan 万盛酱园 sauce factoryWan Sheng Jiang Yuan 万盛酱园 sauce factory军事在北西藏路前进军事检查步枪在雪花公司路的街道场面士兵站在燃烧的房屋和商店里上海志愿军士兵在国际定居点的澳门路(Macao Road)的火灾中炸弹损坏的财产上方升起浓烟“Windy Corner”“刮风角”街区在北边界的结算

Photo publiée sur
 26/11/2020 19:53

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Vieilles photos de Jing'an District,Photographies anciennes de Jing'an District,Vieilles images de Jing'an District,Vieux clichés de Jing'an District,Anciennes vues panoramiques de Jing'an District,Anciennes gravures de Jing'an District