Петровское-Разумовское, Петровская площадь зимой


Петровское-Разумовское, Петровская площадь зимой

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Federazione Russa Federazione Russa > Moscow > Moscow
From the book about the Petrovsk Academy:"... North and South Flygel are still referred to as Circumferences. Such an intricate word comes from the Latin" Zirkus", i.e. circle. Flegels are really alive, semicircular in terms. Initially, these circum trimpers - Flygel 4 independent buildings. In one kitchen, in another resident, in the third, the courtyard serfs lived in the third, in the fourth guests of the homesteads. At the end of the 18th century, Flegenes were combined two. They also lived forty yard people, stored the supplies, satisfied the guests Rooms. Initially, wooden triumphal gates were built between the fledges. Through them, guests and residents of the estate could reach the Dmitrov Road in a modern larch alley. Later, a fence with railing and brick stands with the walked sculptures of centaurs and vases came to Siena, then the gates. When creating the Academy, both flaghels were prescribed by the second floors and are anew decorated.
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 01/10/2021 21:37

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