Všechlapy, kaple


Všechlapy, kaple

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チェコ共和国 チェコ共和国 > Northwest > okres Teplice > Zabrušany
Chapel of the horseshoe, with a triangular pediment above the facade and a saddle, back zvalbenou roof with brick Sanctus shifted toward the front. The entrance facade was finished in rectangular, the sides of the chapel was terminated after a single window in a gentle arc. The chapel was demolished in April 1989 for the decrepitude. The chapel is already drawn on the map from Stable register 1842 - The land on which the chapel stood among the village Zabrušany. The chapel was demolished in April 1989 due to dilapidation.
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420 写真

Český KrumlovČeský KrumlovSlabce, synagoga, západní průčelíVšechlapy, kapleSobědruhy, synagoga


Zabrušany, kostel sv. Šimona a Judy a sv. AntonínaZabrušany, kostel sv. Šimona a Judy a sv. AntonínaZabrušany, kostel sv. Šimona a Judy a sv. AntonínaZabrušany, kostel sv. Šimona a Judy a sv. AntonínaZabrušany, kostel sv. Šimona a Judy a sv. AntonínaŽelenky. KapleŽelenky. KapleStraky, kapleStraky, kapleHostomice, náměstí s kaplí v pozadí

 24/04/2020 02:06

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