Valley Gulcha above-Sophie Barrow


Valley Gulcha above-Sophie Barrow

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キルギス キルギス > Osh Region > Чий-талаа
The original name "on the tract View Sophie-Kurgan". About the tract with the same name is not known, and the village of the same name in the 6 kilometers downstream. Now this is a very large population center, but also in the days of the expedition, too, there was - about him referred to as minimum as a stopping point on to the Pamir doroge.Fotografiya made in the middle reaches of the river between Gulcha Kichi-Karakol and Sophie-Korgon with high otrozhka, jutting into the valley upstream around the southwest. The trail bypassed clamps on it by the river modern car Pamir Highway laid along berega.Vdali technical means on the right (orographic) bank clearly visible four vertices Kedzhige south of Kichi-Karakol, standing out over the area and glaring at a considerable section of the route in different angles .
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173 写真

Полиграфкомбинат в городе ФрунзеМедресе Алымбека даткаПик НансенаМечеть Тахт-и-Сулейман (или домик Бабура) на вершине Сулейман-горыМехраб мавзолея Асаф-ибн-Бурхия


WAYS to Mazar-Sofi for MoundGulcha valley of the river between the steep walls of loessRiver valley. Hulchynka approx tract Sofi-KurganGulcha Gorge River. Migrations in the Kyrgyz AlaiValley Gulcha above Kyzyl-KurganValley Gulcha above Kyzyl-KurganDolina, p. Red-Гульча Caldwell КоргонаValley Gulcha in the lower reachesОрусча телеграф станциясынан Ак-БосогоАк-Босого орусча телеграф станциясын көрүү

 02/02/2020 19:20

© Paul Related

