Astor Library, 425 Lafayette Street


Astor Library, 425 Lafayette Street

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アメリカ アメリカ > New York > Manhattan Community Board 2
Astor Library, 425 Lafayette Street. USA, New York, New York City, Manhattan, NoHo, 1907
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1075 写真

1290 6th Avenue. Sperry-Rand building, view from north.Entrance to Holland Tunnel29 East 4th Street. Old Merchant's House. EntranceHerald Examiner BuildingWest side of Broadway, south from 125th Street


425-437 Lafayette Street, east side, south of Astor PlaceLafayette Street, west side, north from a point above E. 4th Street, to Astor PlaceLafayette Street-37428-434 and 436-440 Lafayette Street, west side, between East 4th Street and Astor Place425-37 Lafayette Street, east side, south of Astor Place419 Lafayette StreetColonnade Row, Lafayette Street416 Lafayette Street, west side, between East 4th Street and Astor Place428-434 Lafayette Street - Astor Place, Colonnade Row, NY428-434 Lafayette Street, west side, between East 4th Street and Astor Place

 03/01/2019 13:03

© George F. Arata


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