535 Park Avenue


535 Park Avenue

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Illustration from The World's Loose Leaf Album of Apartment Houses. New York: New York World, 1910.
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1st Avenue & East 104th StreetMyrtle Avenue El at Wyckoff Avenue stationBienville Street & Bourbon StreetSinger Sewing Machine Co's FactoryWesley Church, Worcester


535 Park Avenue525 Park Avenue at the southeast corner of 61st Street. Apartment housePark Avenue north from 61st StreetStreet Scenes, Looking South Down Park Avenue from the Northwest Corner of 61st Street.Park Avenue, south from and including 60th Street, showing east side of Avenue.525 Park Avenue at the S.E. corner of 61st Street. Apartment house.Apartment Houses No. 535 Park Avenue, corner East 61st StreetPark Avenue, south from East 61st Street12 story building (No. 540) at the N. W. corner of 61st StreetPark Avenue, west side, from E. 60th to 61st Streets,

 26/11/2019 23:28

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