Gulcha valley of the river between the steep walls of loess


Gulcha valley of the river between the steep walls of loess

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キルギス キルギス > Osh Region > Чий-талаа
In the original, "Road to the lane. Taldyk along ...". It is clear that the road to Taldyk Osh generally starts ... Only 80 kilometers Gulcha goes ... The photo was taken in the middle reaches of the river between Gulcha Kichi-Karakol and Sophie-Korgon upstream around the southwest. Far away on the right (orographic) bank clearly visible four vertices Kedzhige south of Kichi-Karakol, standing out over the area and glaring at a considerable section of the route in different rakursah.
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203 写真

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 09/04/2020 07:43

© Paul Related

