117 East 62nd Street, north side, east of Park avenue. 1912


117 East 62nd Street, north side, east of Park avenue. 1912

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アメリカ アメリカ > New York > Manhattan Community Board 8
117 East 62nd Street, north side, east of Park avenue. 1912. USA, New York, New York City, Manhattan, Upper East Side, 1912
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684 写真

33 Riverside Drive. From the movie Madison Avenue, N.W. corner of 45th Street showing Abercrombie & Fitch Building17-1 East and 1 West 35th Street, north side, from west of Madison Avenue to and including FifthPark Avenue from 60th street northMadison Avenue, north from E. 32nd Street


119-121 62nd Street, north side, between Park and Lexington Avenues. About 1911.127 East 62nd Street570 Park Avenue, East 62nd Street - East 63rd Street, Apartment exterior, Jan. 1927, NYPark Avenue and 62nd Street, N.W. corner. Colony Club.127 East 62nd Street130-128 East 62nd Street, south side, between Park and Lexington avenues. About 1911.133 East 62nd Street.550 Park Avenue. Apartments, exterior.Purssell Manufacturing Company carriagePark Avenue and East 61st Street

 28/12/2019 21:58

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