Battery Place between Washington and Greenwich Streets


Battery Place between Washington and Greenwich Streets

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アメリカ アメリカ > New York > Manhattan Community Board 1
Battery Place between Washington and Greenwich Streets. USA, New York, New York City, Manhattan, Financial District, 1940s
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1075 写真

1290 6th Avenue. Sperry-Rand building, view from north.Entrance to Holland Tunnel29 East 4th Street. Old Merchant's House. EntranceHerald Examiner BuildingWest side of Broadway, south from 125th Street


Old Houses on Battery PlaceBattery Place, corner near Washington StreetBattery Place demolition for Battery-Brooklyn Tunnel approachBattery Place, showing northeast corner of Washington StreetWashington Street and Battery Place.The Field Building (Washington Building).Battery Park Concert Garden and Lion BreweryProduce Exchange demolition.Battery PlaceBattery Place, north side, east from Washington Street, to Broadway, showing a row of old structures

 05/02/2020 01:50

© Clayton L. Wallace


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