Студенческий дом


Студенческий дом

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ロシア連邦 ロシア連邦 > Moscow > Timiryazevsky District
Students were sharply differentiated. In the foreground, set the tone for the poor. It was, as they said then, "people - black bones" - the small children of employees, workers, the poor parish priests and other poor. It was a good half of the student body. Among them were mostly strikers and bosses. We did not distinguish partisanship. Said "socialists." A large number of them were populists, social revolutionaries, and were half the students esery.Drugaya independents, children of rich parents landlords, generals, merchants, big business and this half was administratorov.V layer "belopodkladochnikov" - the sons of large landowners, they kept separately. It was also "the Polish kolo", they kept apart, spoke Polish to each other without mixing with the rest of studenchestvom.Krome addition, students were divided according to affinity groups: major was Ukrainian fraternity, ie, all who came from the Ukraine, which applies
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yedokiyalo 19/11/2020 05:41


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498 写真

Чемберлен полосаПросторная улица. Коллекция КрасинцаНабатная, Царская, Спасская башни КремляЛенинградский вокзалХимкинский порт и панорама Захаркова


Старейшее здание Петровского-РазумовскогоПетровское-Разумовское. Дубовая (ныне Тимирязевская) ул. ЭлектростанцияТорговая площадка у Пожарного депо и общежития Петровской академииПетровское-Разумовское. Вид с Петропавловского храма на востокПетровское-Разумовское. Вид с Петропавловского храма на северо-востокПетровское-Разумовское. Вид с Петропавловского храма на югНовое шоссе. Панорама на Ивановскую першпективуХрам Петра и Павла (ТСХА) перед разрушениемПожарное депо

 12/03/2020 21:22

© Martin Schröder


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