Алма-Ата. Проспект В.Г. тұрғын үй ғимараттары И. Ленин


Алма-Ата. Проспект В.Г. тұрғын үй ғимараттары И. Ленин

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Kazachstan Kazachstan > Almaty
From the publication "Universal history of architecture. Volume 12. The first book. Architecture of the USSR "edited by N.V. Baranova. Authors: A.M. Zhuravlev, N.A. Naumova (Moscow, Stroyzdat, 1975). The Tome used the materials of the photograph of the State Research Museum of Architecture. A. V. Schuseva, architect's central house, news agency "News", photo chronicles TASS, internally pictures A. A. Aleksandrov, V. L. Waterozova, A. I. Ganyushina, L. V. Kuchinsky, D. S. Smirnova , M. M. Churakova, as well as materials from a number of personal archives.
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 17/06/2020 07:26

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