Архитекти Яковлев А. А. (чл.) И Смирнов А.Н. в църквата "Свети Александър Невски"


Архитекти Яковлев А. А. (чл.) И Смирнов А.Н. в църквата

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Bulgarije Bulgarije > Sofia-City > Oborishte
Bulgaria. Sofia. St. Alexander Nevsky, built in honor of 30 thousand Russian soldiers who died during the liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman yoke. Ch. architect prof. A.N. Pomerantsev. In the photo, the builders of the temple and Russian architects, assistants A.N. Pomerantseva - architect-artist A.A. Yakovlev (senior), is sitting on the ground second from the left. Nearby stands the architect A.N.Smirnov (with drawings in his left hand)
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kiril_bg 24/03/2020 00:33

Уау, аз не го помня като че

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Foto gepubliceerd op
 03/02/2020 14:30

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