Gorge Taldyk the pass. A view of the Alai Range


Gorge Taldyk the pass. A view of the Alai Range

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Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan > Osh Region > Ak-Bosogo
To the original name for the added certainty about Taldyk.Snimok made to rise to the pass a little down at the eastern part of the Alai Range (hr. Al-Jolie) in the south-vostok
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sukhrab_hom 1 de noviembre de 2020 a las 16:55

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Foto publicada el
 4 de abril de 2018 a las 12:39

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Old photos of Ak-Bosogo,Old photographs of Ak-Bosogo,Old images of Ak-Bosogo,Old snapshots of Ak-Bosogo,Old panoramic views of Ak-Bosogo,Old prints of Ak-Bosogo