Gorge Taldyk the pass


Gorge Taldyk the pass

2 1 

Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan > Osh Region > Ak-Bosogo
The book Photo mistakenly called "View of the lane. Taldyk" .Pereval close, but the sight of it will open somewhere in a kilometer (the road turns to the right), and before the rise of about two. In the picture also depicts a small spur jutting out into the valley, climb begins his podnozhiya.
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212 fotos

Павильон Город Фрунзе, проспект им. XXII партсъездаОш. Фонтан в парке А. НавоиФонтан 25 чаш в центральном сквере Дубового паркаПавильон

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Foto publicada el
 24 de octubre de 2019 a las 01:51

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