Lyon - Place Bellecour & Église de la Charité


Lyon - Place Bellecour & Église de la Charité

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France France > Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes > Métropole de Lyon > Lyon
Lyon - Bellecour Square and the Church of Sharite.Bolnitsa Charité (Hôpital de la Charité - «Mercy») is a complex of several buildings with courtyards and covered two-three-level gallery, which was built in 1616-1630 years as a hospital for the poor. By the XIX century it has turned into the largest medical facility in the area of maternal and child health. However, by the beginning of the XX century, it was decided that the old building did not meet modern health and hygiene requirements, and in 1934 all the buildings, except for the bell tower, were demolished.
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Photo published on
 February 16, 2020 at 04:32 PM

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