Lyon - Place Bellecour et le coteau de Fourvière


Lyon - Place Bellecour et le coteau de Fourvière

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Франция Франция > Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes > Métropole de Lyon > Lyon
Lyon - Place Bellecour and hillside Furver.Ploschad Bellecour (Place Bellecour) - the largest area of Lyon and the fourth largest area of France (62 000 m2), Europe's largest car-free area (it is only on its perimeter). According to the decree of Louis XIV of 28 December 1658 on the unoccupied lands he appeared before as a royal square. It was built buildings with facades designed by the court architect Robert de Cat. Originally called Louis the Great Square, in the center of the square in 1713 was erected a bronze equestrian statue of Louis XIV, made Martin Dejardin. However, in 1793, during the French Revolution the statue was removed and melted down to "revolutionary cannon" and the buildings on the square are destroyed as a punishment for a rebellion against liontsev Parisian authorities. Later, the house on the square were rebuilt, and in 1825, a new equestrian statue of Louis, to replace the destroyed - this time it was made by François-Frédéric Lemo.
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794 снимки

Lyon - La Catastrophe de Lyon-Saint-JeanJuan-les-Pins. La Gare. Arrivée de SM la Reine de Saxepalais RoseLyon - La Catastrophe de FourvièreLe Funiculaire de l'Annonciade

Фотографии вблизи

Lyon - Place Bellecour et Rue de la RépubliqueLyon - Place Bellecour, Hôtel des Postes, Rue de la RépubliqueLyon - Place Bellecour & Église de la CharitéLyon - Place Bellecour, Église de la CharitéLyon - Hôpital de la Charité La Cour d'entrée, dite Cour Sainte-MarieLyon - Ancien Hôpital de la Charité, cour d'entrée et ses galeriesPlace BellecourPlace BellecourLyon - Place Bellecour et coteau de FourvièreLyon - Ancien Hôpital da la Charité, Cour Saint-Homoré

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 09/11/2019 02:39

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