Public school


Public school

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United States United States > Alaska > Juneau > Juneau
Public school. USA, Alaska, Juneau, 1928
Comentarios (1)


drew_knight  25 de junio de 2021 a las 02:26

And there have been no changes since then

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385 fotos

Isla San Juan. Pescadería La Coal.180 West 58th Street. Alwyn CourtDismantling of the model of the aircraftConstruction of Governor's MansionCourt House

Fotos cercanas

Public schoolJuneau from Court HouseView of JuneauTelephone HillView of JuneauU.S. Court HouseGovernment Court HouseCourt Building3rd streetDemolishing the old Court House and jail

Foto publicada el
 1 de junio de 2021 a las 15:26

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