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Ukraine Ukraine > Autonomous Republic of Crimea > городской округ Феодосия > Feodosia
This building, buildings of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, are made in the style of Italian revival with the enclosures of the elements of Neurokko and the Greek elements on the facades. The external appearance of buildings is almost unchanged since their construction. Corpus 1 - the former villa of the Greek merchant papachristo was built in 1894, the building 2 - the former cottage of "flora "of the jury T. L. Aramova was built in 1912, the Corpus 3 - the former cottage "AID" The owner of the export company N. B. Ratghaus was built in 1914. Children's Sanatorium "avagus has been operating since 1956. It is designed for 200 children aged 5 to 14 years old with diseases of the respiratory organs.
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Зміна німецького вартиВулиця Михайлівськапам'ятник ДзержинськомуХрестовоздвиженський кафедральний соборКостел св Миколая

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Foto publicada el
 26 de junio de 2021 a las 21:39

© R. Yakimenko
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