冒泡井路Cosmo Club舞厅旁边的广告牌


冒泡井路Cosmo Club舞厅旁边的广告牌

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China China > Shanghai > Huangpu District
Ascot Apartments – the location of the Cosmo Club dance hall – is one of a handful of historic buildings that survived both the elevation of Chongqing Road and the mall construction frenzy on West Nanjing Road.Now: with identification – sy-随意
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zhi_zhi 4 de marzo de 2020 a las 23:42


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由Harold A. Mourer博士管理的上海疗养院和诊所冒泡井路的街景冒泡井路Cosmo Club舞厅旁边的广告牌盛宣怀的老住所在冒泡井路上的人群和双层巴士南京西路,对人民广场的风景在上海意大利领事馆警察营房,成都路乡村俱乐部在和解中的军事游行

Foto publicada el
 1 de septiembre de 2019 a las 20:11

© Jack Birns
Todos los derechos reservados

Imagen utilizada mediante las condiciones "Fair Use"

Old photos of Huangpu District,Old photographs of Huangpu District,Old images of Huangpu District,Old snapshots of Huangpu District,Old panoramic views of Huangpu District,Old prints of Huangpu District