在Paoshing Road上被摧毁的锡克教庙(Gurdwara)


在Paoshing Road上被摧毁的锡克教庙(Gurdwara)

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China China > Shanghai > Jing'an District
"Sikhs Reconstructing Ruined Temple""Scenes at the Sikh Gurdwara in Paoshing Road where members of the Khaisa organization are rebuilding the temple, laid waste by the ravages of war in 1937. Depicted is the result of heavy artillery and aerial bombardment."
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mei_dei 25 de octubre de 2021 a las 14:59


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南京路邵万生食品店/邵王生食品店F. M. C.的旧楼/法国领事馆的法国政府旧楼乔佛尔大街鸟瞰图/法国租界中心鸟瞰图道默(Route Doumer)和保罗·亨利(Route Paul Henry)街角Del Monte在Van Shing商店中展示/法国特许商店

Fotos cercanas

在Paoshing Road上被摧毁的锡克教庙(Gurdwara)Rabindranath Tagore,在锡克教徒Gurdwara外面有小组锡克教Gurdwara的就职典礼Opening of the Sikh Gurdwara 印度教堂锡克教Gurdwara锡克教GurdwaraAzad Hind Fauj(INA)在上海与锡克教新兵的训练营日军在上海街头设置路障宝兴路航拍Commercial Press building being erected

Foto publicada el
 7 de octubre de 2021 a las 02:07

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