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China China > Shanghai > Jing'an District
"Picture Times" Issue 807: The building where a Cantonese tea merchant lived at the Baotong entrance in Zhabei was bombed by Japanese aircraft (the tea merchant was suspected to be Tang Jishan from the Hua Tea Company)
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196 fotos


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上海受损建筑Ruins of the library, next to the Commercial Press (商务印书馆), Zhabei商务印书馆的东方图书馆,销毁Commercial Press 商务印书馆, fire drill上海教堂被毁商务印书馆毁于日军炮击商业媒体和附近的教堂,被日本人摧毁Commercial Press building being erectedCommercial Press building being erectedCommercial Press building being erected

Foto publicada el
 14 de diciembre de 2020 a las 07:15

© Mark L. Moody
Todos los derechos reservados

Imagen utilizada mediante las condiciones "Fair Use"

Old photos of Jing'an District,Old photographs of Jing'an District,Old images of Jing'an District,Old snapshots of Jing'an District,Old panoramic views of Jing'an District,Old prints of Jing'an District