从Hazelwood,G。W. Swire的住所查看


从Hazelwood,G。W. Swire的住所查看

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China China > Changning District
University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: Sw08-021. G W Swire referenced each negative in this album with the prefix H written in India ink. This negative is referenced H10. The album itself has also been archived at some stage with the reference 62/VI.
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660 photos

新京、关东军、关东军司令部 帝国大使馆Aurora College for Women 震旦女子文理学院奉天忠霊塔穆克登的日本军事纪念碑新京,满洲国司法部地地地地地建造了一堆麦珠 - 在Xinjine中上海Dixwell Road。我们的房子是十字架

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Photo published on
 August 5, 2017 at 11:35 AM

© G. W. Swire
All rights reserved

Image used under "Fair Use" conditions

Old photos of Changning District,Old photographs of Changning District,Old images of Changning District,Old snapshots of Changning District,Old panoramic views of Changning District,Old prints of Changning District