Страстная площадь. У памятника Пушкину


Страстная площадь. У памятника Пушкину

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Federazione Russa Federazione Russa > Moscow > Tverskoy District
It was such a series of postcards - "types russes" (artisans, the boy drinks, traders, etc.). This picture could get out of them in a row. Middle-aged woman (of the maids?) Student metuschy pavement for some offense merchant in cap intellectuals (like) in jackets and hats. A good set of urban types. And above all it stands another tipchik, without which Russia - not Rossiya.Doma- "tuchereza" Nirnzee yet (and if it was, had to get into the scene). But the tram line already exists. Therefore, such a dating.
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531 foto

Большой Ржевский переулок. Арбатский дворикТверская, угол Леонтьевского переулкаСадовническая набережная. Производственная архитектураМалый Ржевский переулокКречетниковский переулок

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Foto pubblicata su
 03/12/2019 22:07

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