L'immeuble de l'Astoria avec la sirène


L'immeuble de l'Astoria avec la sirène

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Francja Francja > Ile-de-France > Paris > Paris
Building with two domes - Astoria architect Bernard Auguste Rives, whiter known as Gustave Rives. The hotel started in 1907, during the First World War it housed the Japanese military hospital. Japanese, because all equipment and medical staff gave Japan. The hotel reopened in 1919. During the Second World War it was used for the needs of the German army. After the war, Dwight Eisenhower used it as its headquarters in the early days after the founding of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Since the beginning of 1950 the building belonged to the advertising agency. In 1972, the building burned to the core, so it did not recover and was demolished.
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 02/12/2016 18:48

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