Трамвайный столб, пробитый снарядом, на Тверском бульваре


Трамвайный столб, пробитый снарядом, на Тверском бульваре

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Federacja Rosyjska Federacja Rosyjska > Moscow > Tverskoy District
The post is now located nearby, in the yard of the former museum of revolution on Tverskaya. During the battle lights, the monument was broken, the chain around the pedestal was abducted in the summer of 1917. Under the pedestal of the workers of Michelson and the workers from the area of the hook and the pinch, the exserving the place, which locked to the toilet room of the tram station on the passionate square of the prisoners / I wonder what Junkers of the Red Guards were locked to the toilet of the tram station on Arbat Square. The monument itself was on October 26, 1917 will pour paint, and is aborably the inscription about the noble bunch and monarchist Pushkin... According to the material of the Moscow City Duma report / the Bolsheviks dissolved by this time / dated October 27, 1917.
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354 zdjęcia

Первая советская фотография Гостиница Трамвайный столб, пробитый снарядом, на Тверском бульвареУнивермаг Мосторга (бывший Мюр и Мерилиз)Иллюминация 7 ноября (16)

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 06/01/2018 21:02

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