Group of "Four Trees", 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza


Group of

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Urugwaj Urugwaj > New York > Manhattan Community Board 1
Group of "Four Trees", 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza. USA, New York, New York City, Manhattan, Financial District, 1975
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1075 zdjęcia

1290 6th Avenue. Sperry-Rand building, view from north.Entrance to Holland Tunnel29 East 4th Street. Old Merchant's House. EntranceHerald Examiner BuildingWest side of Broadway, south from 125th Street

Zdjęcia w pobliżu

Kuhn Loeb Company, 27-29 Pine StreetHome Insurance Building, Cedar StreetNortheast corner of William and Cedar StreetsPine Street, U.S. Treasury in ForegroundLiberty Tower, 55 Liberty Street62 William Street. Commercial building62 William Street. Commercial buildingNew York north from Wall StreetGroup of 30 Broad Street. View of Continental Bank Building and Lower Manhattan

Zdjęcie opublikowane na stronie
 07/10/2018 16:38

© Edmund V. Gillon
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