Lutheran Church in Shanghai


Lutheran Church in Shanghai

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Chiny Chiny > Jing'an District > Jing'an District
"In this church services are held each Sunday in English, German and Chinese languages. Formerly belonging to the German community, it has now become a center for international Christianity."Former Deutsch-evangelische Kirche, built in 1932, designed by Laszlo Hudec.
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135 zdjęcia


Zdjęcia w pobliżu

Lutheran Church on Avenue HaigGerman Church, sports march德国教区大厅German Church in Shanghai新福音派教堂(德国路德教会)Kaiser-Wilhelm Schule, students group portraitIltis纪念碑搬到德国学校的领土后Kaiser-Wilhelm Schule (German School), new building正在建设希尔顿酒店/华山路和常熟路十字路口,正在建设希尔顿酒店Former Avenue Haig, Victoria Terrace and the Six Nations casino

Zdjęcie opublikowane na stronie
 13/04/2020 20:37

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