Тимирязевский переулок. Химическая аудитория МСХА


Тимирязевский переулок. Химическая аудитория МСХА

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Federacja Rosyjska Federacja Rosyjska > Moscow > Timiryazevsky District
For chemistry it was built a huge body with two floors. On the second floor - Laboratory of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry. First floor - organic chemistry and a wardrobe. Middle of the building with a dome on the second floor is occupied by a huge audience, an amphitheater with capacity for up to 800 people. It was the largest audience. Read Kablukov bad stutter, mixed, thinks one thing and says another. He was a pupil of Mendeleev. As the examiner was very heavy. Students said: "surrender Kablukov chemistry - to finish 1/2 of the Institute." At least 2-3 times he drove students to resit. From the memoirs of a student Alexander Luschinskogo 1910 .: "We had to listen to all of his lectures he well remembered the person why all his lectures I attended has many assistants, masters should have had to pass... A) a course of general inorganic chemistry b) qualitative and quantitative analysis in analytical chemistry. these are the things I began to take in his first year of study
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 29/06/2020 17:24

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