Студенческие номера


Студенческие номера

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Federação Russa Federação Russa > Moscow > Timiryazevsky District
The photographer was standing near the house nº47 on Timiryazevskaya Street. In the visible house from the 1860s were the student numbers by the end of the XIX century Zooengineering department professor Kulagin, as well as a number of rooms given to scholarship committee and scientific circles of students. Here memories student Alexander Luschinskogo "chores exams, the distribution of seats in the laboratory led" Academic Committee", matters of benefits to the poor, that is, exemption from tuition fees (150 rubles a year), dining affairs, was in charge of hostels" Scholarship Commission. " There were circles: public agronomy circle, a circle of foresters, engineers, circle, etc. All these committees and clubs were elected student autonomous legal organizations is the result of strikes, but there were many illegal party circles in the revolutionary undertaking Academy was in the first place... in Moscow. Scholarships at the Institute was very small. very few receive
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498 fotos

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Foto publicada em
 06/06/2020 08:51

© Martin Schröder
Todos os direitos reservados

Imagem utilizada nas condições de "Fair Use

Fotos antigas de Timiryazevsky District,Fotografias antigas de Timiryazevsky District,Imagens antigas de Timiryazevsky District,Antigos instantâneos de Timiryazevsky District,Antigas vistas panorâmicas de Timiryazevsky District,Impressões antigas de Timiryazevsky District