Palais Borsig am Wilhelmplatz. Wilhelmstraße Ecke Voßstraße


Palais Borsig am Wilhelmplatz. Wilhelmstraße Ecke Voßstraße

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Германия Германия > Berlin
In 1875-77, industrialist August Julius Albert von Borsig, son of the founder of the world-famous locomotive construction company August Borsig, had a city villa on the corner plot of Wilhelm and Voßstraße 1 by the Berlin architect Richard Lucae, the main front of which points to Wilhelmplatz. In contrast to the neighboring Palais Pleß (Wilhelmstraße 78, on the right in the cut), the two -storey building is based on the palace architecture of the Italian Hochrenaissance and is therefore considered more than a decade as an example of architectural elegance. After Borsig's death in 1878, the family sold the building to the Prussian Pfandbrief-Bank, which has it converted for its purposes. From 1934 seating of the SA leadership and the Presidential Chancellery, the house was incorporated into the new Reich Chancellery in 1939. In the background, the service building of the Prussian Ministry of Trade, Commerce and Public Work, Wilhelmstraße 79. Wilhelmstraße 79 in 1855.
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