The Plymouth Hotel, Pentrebach


The Plymouth Hotel, Pentrebach

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273 снимки

The Dog & Trumpet BarThe Earl RobertsFore Street / Angel LaneDunster Market House and CastleRiver Gipping

Фотографии вблизи

Poplar Terrace and infants school, PentrebachHoover's, Kayser Bondor & The TrianglePentrebach House in the snowSt. James' ChurchPentrebach Graig Pit Near Duffryn FawrPentrebach HouseCeredig Street, PentrebachPentrebach Main StreetLooking across Penterbach towards what remained of the ski slopeWernlas House

Фотография опубликована на сайте
 20/02/2023 02:37

© David Thomas
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