Вежа Троїцького монастиря


Вежа Троїцького монастиря

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Ukraina Ukraina > Chernihiv Oblast > Chernihivska municipal council > Chernihiv
All Tower 8-sided, two-story. completed domes with lanterns. Facets of towers decorated with paired pilasters, and narrow spaces between them - a flat rectangular niches. The lower tier is noticeably wider on top, which made the transition smooth, allowing the edge of the upper tier, first like concave inside, and then straightened. Cornice chlenyaschy tower, simple, but the crowning - the removal of a small, very developed in height and has multiple profiling. Juicy plastic pilasters, cornices and niches harmoniously complements the soft beautiful volume of the tower with a Baroque "baney "beautiful picture.
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 19/12/2019 14:50

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