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乌克兰 乌克兰 > Zhytomyr Oblast > Zhytomyr Raion > Zhytomyr
In this manor (courtyard) in the captain's family (later Lieutenant General) Mikhail Shchastny in 1881, was born the next commander of Russia's Northern Fleet, Admiral Alex Shchastny who saved almost the whole Baltic fleet at the beginning of 1918, and in a month he will be arrested and declared an enemy of the revolution. Sentence - shoot. It was the first death sentence passed by the court of the Soviet Republic. Alexei Mikhailovich Shchastny shot June 22, 1918 Now this street is named after him. Until 1992, this section of the street belonged to the Theater Street. This building was built Shchastny family in the 1890s - an architectural monument of local importance.
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 02/09/2018 14:48

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