Valley verhovev p. Hulchynky


Valley verhovev p. Hulchynky

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Kirgisistan Kirgisistan > Osh Region > Ak-Bosogo
Russified name Gulcha river (here it is really small, it is possible to say a big stream). In general, the correct spelling is "Gyulche" .Photography book mirrored (see. Original) .Snimok made in the area of the modern village of Ak-Barefoot, standing at a fork in the valley of the gorge Taldyk leading to the eponymous pass, and Agachart gorge. A view down the valley Gulcha approximately north-vostok.
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173 Fotos

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Fotos aus der Nähe

Ак-Босого орусча телеграф станциясын көрүүОрусча телеграф станциясынан Ак-БосогоOvernight caravan in the upper reaches of the river GulchaGorge Taldyk the passPodyom na Remix TaldykGorge Taldyk the pass. A view of the Alai RangeSpusk hr per. TaldykRemix TaldykRemix TaldykHalt reconnaissance group in the tract of Sary-Tash

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 22/10/2018 10:54

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