Alvarado Street


Alvarado Street

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Looking southeast towards storefronts located in the 680 block of S. Alvarado Street from left to right are: a fast food restaurant called Ramon's, a botanica, Scott's Clothes for Men, Rumpus Room bar, L.A. Fashion Mart, and Lee's Florsheim shoe store. All of these structures were demolished to make way for a Metro Red Line subway station in the early 1990s.
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797 写真

Fountain Valley Drive-In siteAlvarado HotelSite of Gimbels Dept. Store - 33rd St.& 6th Ave. - Year 1898Aftermath of a snowstorm.Long Beach (710) Freeway, looking northwest


MacArthur ParkWestlake TheaterWestlake Park, looking northwestSt. Anthony ApartmentsWilshire Medical BuildingWilshire Medical BuildingWest Lake parkPalms-Wilshire HotelWestlake Park

 12/05/2017 14:06

© Anne Laskey


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