Old Plaza


Old Plaza

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アメリカ アメリカ > California > Los Angeles
Panoramic view of the Plaza and 'Old Plaza Church' (Mission Nuestra Senora Reina de Los Angeles). The square main brick reservoir in the middle (partial view) was the water reservoir builit by William Dryden and his LA Water Works Co. The building in the top right background was the Sisters of Charity Hospital. The three adobes seen on the north side of the Plaza were owned in 1869 by M. Norton (built 1854), John Downey (shrouded by trees, built 1844) and Augustin Olvera (built 1854). They are all gone now. The first lost to the widening of Main St, the second torn down in 1894 to build the Simpson-Jones Building and the last demolished in 1916 and replaced with the Plaza Methodist Church.The two gas lamps seen on the corners of the LA Plaza were the first streetlights installed in Los Angeles.
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565 写真

Home Insurance Building DemolishedMalibu fire, looking northeastFort StreetThe fountain near First National Plaza (Chase Tower)Commercial Street


Plaza Fire StationThe Church SquareSouthwest corner of PlazaPico House interior courtOld Plaza ChurchThe Church SquareGazeboOld PlazaOld Plaza ChurchCape House Restaurant

 18/04/2022 07:49

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