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China China > Shanghai > Jing'an District
Carl L. Seitz was partner and the sole manager of China Import and Export Lumber Co. since 1905. The residence later became the headquarters of the International Funeral Directors, which opened in 1926
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外滩公共花园卡尔·克罗公司(Carl Crow Inc。),1931年在建的Metropole。广告牌天安门广场天安门广场虹口霍山路,犹太人区前路边外滩:汇丰银行和海关

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胶州路卡尔塞茨住宅国际葬礼主任于1926年开业大街和Kioochow道路拐角处的新交通环形交通基督第一教堂Kiaochow路的可口可乐工厂(屈臣氏水厂)杰斯菲尔德路的德国学校宿舍Residence of the Superintendent of Chinese Customs 江海关监督公署自动兑换,提供“使用,但不能滥用”汽车Tseng Sui Primary SchoolLutheran Center in Shanghai

Foto publicada el
 14 de agosto de 2018 a las 11:36

© Arnold Wright
Todos los derechos reservados

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Old photos of Jing'an District,Old photographs of Jing'an District,Old images of Jing'an District,Old snapshots of Jing'an District,Old panoramic views of Jing'an District,Old prints of Jing'an District