Церква Різдва Іоанна Предтечі при Духовному училищі


Церква Різдва Іоанна Предтечі при Духовному училищі

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Ukraine Ukraine > Donetsk Oblast > Маріупольський район > Mariupol Municipality
In the midst of the clergy of Mariupol in 1870, the idea of the need for the construction of a typical building has arisen. A construction committee was organized (he was led by Archpriest Ilya Leontyev) and the collection was launched. But this case turned out to be difficult, only ten years later, in 1880, 65 thousand rubles were collected. The city authorities went to meet and took a granite place under the construction. It was approximately there, where and the previous building, built back in 1831. The construction was completed by the beginning of the 1880-1881 academic year. On September 11, a solemn consecration of the School building was held, which was accomplished by the pre-sea Feodosius, Bishop of Ekaterinoslav and Taganrog. (Note that the city of Taganrog and the district of the same name in the pre-revolutionary years was part of the Ekaterinoslav province.) To this solemn act, the caretaker of the spiritual school A.A.
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Університетська вулицяУніверситетДніпропетровськ. Проспект Карла МарксаЦерква Різдва Іоанна Предтечі при Духовному училищіУніверситет в Чернівцях

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Жданов. проспект РеспублікиМаріуполь-Жданов. кінотеатр ПеремогаЦерква Мері Магдалину та каплиціКаплиця в пам'ять про порятунку 29 квітня 1891 року в Японії спадкоємця Миколи ОлександровичаЖданов. центральний скверЕкатеринінська вулицяПроспект Ленінабюст А.А.ЖдановаЖданов. Проспект ЛенінаВулиця Джорджива, 32

Foto publicada el
 20 de abril de 2016 a las 20:37

© Unknown
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Old photos of Mariupol Municipality,Old photographs of Mariupol Municipality,Old images of Mariupol Municipality,Old snapshots of Mariupol Municipality,Old panoramic views of Mariupol Municipality,Old prints of Mariupol Municipality