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China China > Jing'an District
"Shanghai's Newest Enterprise: The imposing edifice of the International Funeral Directors at 71 Kiaochow Road designed to be of service to the public." The building shown at the photo contains a chapel."
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新京、关东军、关东军司令部 帝国大使馆Aurora College for Women 震旦女子文理学院奉天忠霊塔穆克登的日本军事纪念碑新京,满洲国司法部地地地地地建造了一堆麦珠 - 在Xinjine中上海Dixwell Road。我们的房子是十字架

Fotos cercanas

胶州路卡尔塞茨住宅国际葬礼主任于1926年开业大街和Kioochow道路拐角处的新交通环形交通基督第一教堂Kiaochow路的可口可乐工厂(屈臣氏水厂)杰斯菲尔德路的德国学校宿舍Residence of the Superintendent of Chinese Customs 江海关监督公署自动兑换,提供“使用,但不能滥用”汽车Tseng Sui Primary SchoolLutheran Center in Shanghai

Foto publicada el
 28 de julio de 2021 a las 07:31

© Unknown
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Old photos of Jing'an District,Old photographs of Jing'an District,Old images of Jing'an District,Old snapshots of Jing'an District,Old panoramic views of Jing'an District,Old prints of Jing'an District