Remix Taldyk


Remix Taldyk

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Kirgistan Kirgistan > Osh Region > Ak-Bosogo
The view from the pass Taldyk on the upper reaches of the gorge of the same name - classic look (particularly around the east, then the road goes north to Osh) .Through Taldyk passed historic caravan route from the Ferghana valley in the Alai and further optionally in Kashgar (east) on Pamir (to the south) and in the Karategin (to the west). Chinese direction (Kashi) hike was basic. Modern roads are in the same directions (the other will not work - the mountain). At the Union, even in 1928, it was built a highway, while the main goal was the Pamir area. The picture shows the condition of the road in the middle 90s. In fact, she was even paved, but after the collapse is no longer maintained properly and the mass export of heavy-metal to China in exchange for consumer goods, finally finished it off her. (Because of this metal, I remember, when traveling in Alai had a few spare wheels to take - a lot of small pieces of iron were lying on the road.
Komentarze (1)


alikhan_ra 03/11/2019 11:24

Wow, мен сыяктуу эле, аны эстеген эмес

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Zdjęcie opublikowane na stronie
 07/01/2018 23:37

© Igor Goncharov
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