Temple Dendura


Temple Dendura

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Египет Египет > Assouan > Dandur
Hram was built on the orders of Petronius about 15 BC during the reign of Emperor Augustus. Dedicated to Isis and Osiris, as well as two deified sons of a local Nubian chieftain, Pedize ( "the one who gave Isis") and Pichor ( "one who belongs to the Mountain"). In the 1960s, the temple was moved from its original location, and given to the Museum of Art Metropolitan in New York (USA), where he exhibited in 1978.
Комментарии (3)


drew_knight  28/08/2019 20:51



hjrds 19/05/2020 08:01

I share it!


andreee 05/11/2020 05:09

When I was young I used to go there a lot

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Фотография опубликована на сайте
 06/08/2019 07:29

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